Since all that MTA when banning is to store the hardware serial/IP/username - I tried changing all but so far it hasn't work. Serials are 32 characters long and cointain letters and numbers. They are bound to the software and hardware configuration.
Serials are used by MTA and server administrators to reliably identify a PC that a player is using. My MTA setting(s) didn't get saved (.).Mta San Andreas How To Change Serial Average ratng: 7,7/10 2489reviews.
I still want to play on the same server however, so I tried changing my IP - didn't work, I tried re-installing MTA - didn't work, I tried re-installing with my hardware serials spoofed using an app called PB Downforce 0.2 - didn't work yet. Here's what happened, I play MTA-SA(Multiplayer San Andreas Game) and got banned of an online server.